Archive for September, 2016

Hosting Resellers Feel a Lack of Support From Vendors

Posted by Adrien Tibi

Whilst many acknowledge the benefits of cloud-based computing, only 65% of IT channel companies offer cloud services, according to research by the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) and Intermedia. This research surveyed 150 decision-makers from IT channel organisations around their attitudes and confidence in reselling cloud-based services.

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What are the barriers to selling cloud-based services?

Those that have made the transition to cloud-based solutions have had to overcome significant barriers. The survey identified three in particular:

Switching IT infrastructure can be difficult, and the barriers above demonstrate this challenge. But it really depends on the vendor you’re with. The research indicates that it’s the vendor’s responsibility to overcome these barriers for resellers to capitalise on the increasing demand of cloud-based services by end-users. However, the research also suggests that vendor support is often insufficient, with over a quarter of respondents feeling that vendors were not doing enough to support their transition to cloud-based services.

Is reselling cloud-based services worth it?

Channel resellers that haven’t made the move to cloud-based services are at a “distinct disadvantage”, states CIF’s CEO, Alex Hilton. The report shows that the end-user adoption of cloud-based services have increased in recent years, with 78% of end user organisations using at least one cloud-based service, up from 61% in four years earlier. Despite the growth presenting significant opportunities, the channel hasn’t been able to keep up with demand. Alex Hilton goes onto say: “Resellers that do sell cloud services are reporting a wide range of benefits, from improved competitive edge to extended revenues and market reach.”

Therefore, despite the potential struggle with making the transition to cloud-based services, it seems to be worth it. In truth, what this research really shows is the importance of choosing the right host. Going with a reputable host who offers application support is the first step in becoming a successful hosting reseller.

Support your reselling with WHMCS

For those hosting resellers that don’t feel supported, integrating with WHMCS via an API could be the solution. By plugging in from our provisioning platform, billing clients and tracking invoicing can be fully automated thanks to WHMCS. By facilitating a range of integrated support tools, WHMCS allows you to focus on maintaining relationships with your customers. With our powerful solutions and the support of WHMCS, you can seize the opportunities highlighted by CIF’s research by deploying bespoke bare metal environments or volume servers to your customers.

So if your hosting reseller business needs support, be sure to download our guide to better understand ‘How to Get the Best from WHMCS’.

How is Brexit Impacting the Tech Sector?

Posted by Adrien Tibi

With bad weather warnings coming in from Japan’s foreign ministry and questions over the implications for EU data privacy legislation, it’d be reasonable to have concerns about the coming year in tech. So what new information has emerged in the British and EU tech sphere in the last few months?

How will the World Respond to the Uncertainty?

We talked in July about the major concerns and question marks around the results of June’s referendum. Now, three months on, many of the same questions remain, but some answers are beginning to emerge.

With such a far-reaching impact, the Brexit vote was bound to have a significant effect on the way Britain was viewed globally. Many countries still seem to be witholding judgement, but not all. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan recently published a 15-page ‘Message to the United Kingdom and the European Union’ on their website. It raises a number of general concerns about the implications of the move, such as changes to passport systems and trade tariffs, but it also highlights concerns about the effects on new and established Japanese tech firms in the UK and Europe:

“A considerable number of [Japanese firms in Europe] are concentrated in the UK. Nearly half of Japanese direct investment intended for the EU in 2015 flowed to the UK… While benefiting from the single market of the EU, Japanese businesses have contributed to the development of the European economy. … It is of great importance that the UK and the EU maintain market integrity and remain attractive destinations for businesses where free trade, unfettered investment and smooth financial transactions are ensured.”

Polite enough, but the warning is pretty clear; it’s in the UK’s best interests to maintain close ties with Europe and continue in the single market if it wishes to remain attractive to Japanese investment.

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The ministry also raised specific “concerns that the free transfer of information might be impaired once the UK releases itself from the EU’s data protection legislation”, which has implications for all businesses using cloud hosted data, and even just the internet itself.

A flurry of visits to and from the US and Brussels, as well as statements from figures such as Angela Merkel and Donald Tusk, suggest that many countries are raising similar concerns. While change is yet to come, it’s clear the world is watching.

Data Privacy Under the Spotlight

Business owners who were aware of the coming changes to EU data privacy laws may have breathed a token sigh of relief at the thought that the new laws, called the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR), would no longer apply to them. Some may even hold out hope for a US-style approach to data protection. But this would be a mistake for 3 main reasons:

With that in mind, businesses do need to start preparing for the implementation of the GDPR as if it still affects
the UK exactly as it would have before the Brexit decision – because it probably will, even if only for a limited period of time. Hosting resellersFinTech brands and media streaming companies, among others, will need to make sure that they’re up to speed with the changing regulations and their potential impact.

Impact on Tech’s Bottom Line

While it may not be easy to quantify the true extent of the impact of Brexit on smaller UK tech companies, the big guys have access to a lot more data. So what are they saying?

Rackspace CEO Taylor Rhodes admitted in August that they’re anticipating $70m of ‘negative impact’ from June’s referendum results. Speaking to the Register, he said: “We’ve seen somewhat higher churn rates and some slowdown in spending among our UK customers, some of whose businesses have suffered currency fluctuation and uncertainty that have slowed the Brexit vote.” He also anticipated more instances of large clients seeking bankruptcy protection, following a move from a major client in the travel sector.

Overall, the post-referendum landscape has some big questions looming over it. Brands are seeking protection, and queries about the state of legislation are coming in both internally and from abroad. For now, things still seem to be in flux, but organisations can help themselves by staying abreast of new information about data privacy regulation as it emerges.

Download | Attracting More Users – A SaaS Guide

Posted by Adrien Tibi

In the competitive world of SaaS solutions, attracting users is key to both growth and success. We have created a cheat sheet to help you attract, convert and retain more customers.

Implementing an effective user-acquisition policy can redefine how you reach your target demographic. In order to convert a higher number of customers to your service it is important to demonstrate that you have a thorough understanding of your industry.

Cheat Sheet

In our cheat sheet, we discuss the importance of educating potential customers about SaaS solutions, how showcasing your product can help generate more users and why word-of-mouth is still a valuable tool for attracting users.

A change in business tactics can be a daunting proposition for many businesses, so we have accompanied our cheat sheet with a checklist. This will ensure the implementation process is as easy as possible, and guarantees that you stay on track to achieve your goal of user-attraction.

Download our guide to attracting more users for your SaaS business

Retain and Expand

Every business knows that understanding their current user-base is key for acquiring and retaining new customers, but it is also important to put together and implement a strategy to reward current users and increase customer lifetime value (CLV).

In our guide we not only focus on the best methods for attracting new users, we also analyse why creating a customer-focussed culture and nurturing existing relationships is important to continued business success.

How is Customer Attraction Changing?

In this age of automation and innovation, an up-to-date user-acquisition strategy is essential. Today, the way in which businesses and consumers interact is constantly evolving, a fact that is best demonstrated by the increasing accessibility of communication platforms. This guide examines why online reviews are important to the success of cloud providers, as well as the impact of email and social media on attracting new customers.

Download our guide to attracting more users now, and begin to grow your business and succeed in the competitive world of SaaS solutions.

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